I really hate it when this happens. Pork is dangerous.

The most sophisticated people I know - inside they are all children.

Jim Henson

One of the greatest story tellers of our time. What a legacy. From Kermit to Farscape.

Joy Ang has some really great stuff on her portfolio over at CGHub. I particularly like this piece. Great line work and mix of colors.

Joy Ang has some really great stuff on her portfolio over at CGHub. I particularly like this piece. Great line work and mix of colors.

I want one!


Ryan got this crazy $400 RC car that goes like 60mph. I love it.

Gene Wolfe’s prose is pure genius. Take this tidbit from The Sword of the Lichtor.

If I had seen one miracle fail, I had witnessed another; and even a seemingly purposeless miracle is an inexhaustible source of hope, because it proves to us that since we do not understand everything, our defeats—so much more numerous than our few and empty victories—may be equally specious.

Q:What is your favorite type of dragon? I mean, there are several different kinds, or am I wrong?

While the Ancient Red Wyrm will always hold a special place in my heart I’ve always been more terrified of the Whites. Dumb as a bag of hammers, extremely powerful and agressive. I’ve lost many a comrade to an blast of arctic breath followed by their frozen bodies being shattered with the snap of a tail.

Image from the portfolio of the illustrious Wayne Reynolds.

  • Jack:: Hey, you know what sucks?
  • Lindsey:: vaccuums
  • Jack:: Hey, you know what sucks in a metaphorical sense?
  • Lindsey:: black holes
  • Jack:: Hey, you know what just isn't cool?
  • Lindsey:: lava?

Heathrow or Deathrow

Orchestral Pop Noir Romantique

The Dears